The paper successfully realizes a stated or inferable purpose or intention. (Purpose) |
The paper makes sense at the sentence level in terms of content: it says what it means. (Clarity) |
The paper makes sense at the sentence level in terms of grammar and mechanics: the writer avoids common writing errors. (Accuracy) |
The paper is well-organized: there is an apparent logic and the parts are clearly related and well-balanced. (Logic, Coherence) |
Macro Level |
Paragraph Level |
The paper addresses a significant question or makes a "care-about-able" point (Relevance, Significance) |
The writer presents a credible analysis of the text(s) based on a careful reading. (Plausibility) |
The writer smoothly and accurately incorporates relevant direct quotations from the text into the paper. (Specificity) |
The writer purposefully considers more than one point of view, and/or considers all relevant information. (Breadth) |
The writer moves beyond the obvious or predictable to discuss substantive issues. (Depth) |
Reflection: The writer is able to articulate his/her
thinking |
Key to scoring: |