Quarter Reflection: The quarter reflection is
your opportunity to stop and consider your progress as a student of
English. The following questions are not meant to be answered
mechanically in sequence; they gesture at a territory I would you to
explore thoughtfully in writing. (The usual criteria apply: clarity,
specificity, precision, logic, relevance, significance, breadth, and
Looking back over the first quarter, what areas of growth can you
point to? What do you feel you are doing well? What work do you feel
proud of? What has interested you the most? Where have you struggled?
Looking ahead to the second quarter, what specific goals do you have?
What do you intend to work on? What kind of experiences or support
would be most helpful to you?
Sara M.
This quarter in Critical Thinking English. I feel I have grown in
many ways. Coming into this class, I didn't know what to expect or
what was expected of me, and this was shown through the first few
grades I received. For example, my paper on thinking was not one of
my best. The topic was unclear to me, and I had a hard time writing
about something that I did not fully understand. However, by
scheduling conferences to discuss my errors. and thoroughly examining
mv weak points, my writing skills have greatly improved. I am more
comfortable with writing ideas or feelings that I have about a
certain assignment, even if they may be wrong. I have put more effort
into my writings, and I now have a sense of confidence and
Over the quarter I have expanded my horizons in writing poetry. This
is the first time I have ever seriously written poetry, and I feel I
have done well. I liked how we went into depth on the criteria of
poetry. Listening to my classmates' ideas and what they look for in a
poem was very beneficial when I went about writing my own. I took
into thought metaphors, structure and significant meanings. The poems
that I am especially proud of are "College'' and Seven Ways of
Looking at a Remote Control.'' "College'' was my first writing
sample. and has gone through many revisions. The feedback I received
from my classmates really helped me when writing the final draft of
this poem. I learned that there is always room for improvement in
poetry; there are always different routes to take to fully complete
it. "Seven Way of Looking at a Remote Control'' allowed me to take a
whole new approach on writing. Through this poem I was able to use my
imagination and express my creativity. This is not something I get to
do too often, and I enjoyed writing it.
An area I feel could be better improved on is my literary
comprehension. This includes the short stories and poems we have read
throughout the quarter. I have difficulty understanding the deep
meanings in these writings that are not so straightforward. For
example. I was confused as to what the significance of Emily
Dickinson's "The Lightning is a Yellow Fork'' was. However, after
going into detail in class discussions, I gained a better
understanding. In the future, I would like to be able to pick out the
relevant parts and understand the hidden meanings on my own before it
is discussed. A way to start doing this is by keeping a log, which is
what we are doing for J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye.
By writing chapter summaries, responses, and questions to what I have
read. I have a better knowledge of what is going on in the book. It
allows me to express my thoughts and feelings, and as a result I am
able to grasp significant issues related to the book.
Another area of growth in which I have put much effort into is my
participation. This is something that has frequently been brought up
with me in English classes in the past. and I am determined to
improve on it. To do this, I must be willing to take chances and come
out of my comfort zone. Although this is not easy for me. It is
something that I need to overcome. and high school is the perfect
opportunity to do this. Speaking out and discussing in class will
always be a goal which I hope will someday be reached. For now, I am
putting in extra effort to participate in class, because it benefits
not only me, but my classmates as well.
This first quarter has been a good experience for me. I've broadened
the way I think and how I write, and have learned to intensely
analyze everything I read to search for the point that the author is
trying to get across. I recognize the areas where I need improvement,
and I hope to be able to achieve those goals.
Sarah T.
There are many things that I learned this quarter that I didn't
expect to learn in English 2CT. To tell you the truth, when I first
signed up for the course I didn't know what was going to happen and
what it was about. I only knew that it sounded like cool course and I
would get critical thinking credit for taking a cool sounding course.
As the quarter progressed I learned more about what was expected of
me, what the content of the course was, and what I had to do to
succeed in this course. I felt that I have always applied myself one
hundred percent all of the time.
One of the hardest things that I had to do this quarter was think
about my thinking. Thinking is hard enough to do. Thinking about your
thinking is even harder to do. Breaking up my thinking process and
writing about it was the hardest thing I had to do in English 2CT
this far. The concept is hard to think about. We applied this concept
to many different activities; like picking a poem and writing about
what you see when you read the words or actually summarizing what you
know about thinking in a paper.
One of the activities that I really enjoyed doing was reading and
comparing the writing styles of two different writers. We compared
Hemingway's "A Clean Well Lighted Place" and Faulkner's "Barn
Burning". It was so interesting to think about how two different
people, who lived in relatively same time, with the same things going
on in their lives could write so differently. I really enjoyed
reading the stories and analyzing the differences between them.
Although both writers were equally good, I enjoyed reading
Hemingway's story better because it left more to the imagination than
Faulkner's did.
I have a goal for my reading. The past quarter I didn't do enough
thinking while I was reading. I want to read any story and make marks
where I feel necessary. I don't want to mark up my literature book,
so I'm going to take notes and write about what I read after I've
read it. This will help my reading comprehension and understanding of
the story.
I know that I'm not a very strong writer but I enjoyed many of the
writing activities that we did in class this quarter. We were given
many different writing exercises and I feel that my writing has
improved a lot in just this short time. As I get more and more
assignments I feel that my writing is get even better. My favorite
piece was the "Five Ways of Looking at a...". I wrote a poem about a
dirty sock and let my imagination run wild. I also always enjoyed
writing writing samples. I don't get to write many fiction and
narrative stories, and I appreciated being able to do this.
Next quarter I want to try and work on my writing some more. I
noticed that in many of my pieces I would have circles over typos and
grammar errors. For this upcoming quarter I am making it a goal to
write all of the rest of my papers and assignments without any typos
and grammar errors in them. My papers can be more fully appreciated
when there aren't things like typos to take away the reader's
This quarter I felt that I have applied myself fully into everything
that we have done. I have always tried and participated in
discussions. Sometimes I even tried to get the discussions going and
ask clarifying questions when I don't understand. I even asked
questions when I did understand, because sometimes no one else looked
like they understood and were afraid to ask. I have always been
enthusiastic about my work and class. My writing greatly improved
over the quarter and it shows. For this I feel I deserve an A- for
the quarter. I've only gotten one other A- in English and I put in
about, or even a little more effort then I did then. I know the
teachers are different but the efforts the same.
This entire quarter has been a challenge in English. I didn't think
that English 2CT was going to be this hard but it was. Once I
realized this 1, put 100% effort into everything that I did. When I
am given a challenge I take it. I love to do puzzles and to me
English 2CT, so far, has been like a puzzle. It may be hard but it's
a lot of fun to do. My writing improved and I enjoyed the many
activities that we did. I will try even harder next quarter with the
goals that I have stated above. I know that if I try hard enough I
can achieve great things.
Victoria S.
My feelings about spending a week at the beginning of the year
"thinking about thinking" differed from most people's. I didn't think
it was a waste of time at all and was a good introduction; critical
thinking is the title of this course. I thought it was interesting
learning about and discussing the different types of thinking we use;
how we use past experience and knowledge as well as conscious,
unconscious, forced and survival thinking. Analyzing our thought
process and learning the more effective thought process of defining,
elaborating and explaining, exemplifying, illustrating, and an
analogy was also very helpful.
I think that the critical thinking wheel is a very effective tool
when put to use. However, I do not think that we spent a sufficient
amount of time working with it to be able to use it comfortably and
frequently. It would be nice and helpful to spend a little more time
doing activities with it so that it becomes natural to apply them
every time I read, write, or think critically about something. I
would also benefit from some practice in writing poetry. Even though
we did analyze and work with a few poems this quarter, I don't think
my poem writing skills have improved, although I did enjoy poems such
as The Red Wheelbarrow, Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird, and
the Emily Dickinson poems. Next quarter I plan to use more writing
samples to get some more practice in poetry writing.
I was able to gain a lot from the short story unit we did. I not only
gained lots of valuable experience working with them, but I was also
inspired to try writing a few; something I have not done very much
of. Of the short stories we looked at, "A Clean, Well Lighted Place,"
"Harrison Bergeron," "Barn Burning," and "Cathedrals," "A Clean, Well
Lighted Place" was my favorite. However, I did like experiencing and
working with the huge difference between the three author's different
techniques and styles. This unit helped me improve in my writing of
short stories. I was able to experiment with and found out what was
effective and what didn't work. Working with and analyzing these
short stories helped me to gain a better feel for well written short
stories and helped me to identify good techniques and tools for
writing. I really liked the effect of Hemingway's short and concise
style; it is one I try to emulate.
Right now I am really enjoying reading Catcher in the Rye. I
like the activities we do in class that pertain to the novel. They
have proved to be very helpful to me in understanding the story. I
have also learned what to look for while reading to help better
understand the story. Naturally, group work has sometimes been a
little hard because there are always a few people who haven't done
their homework and don't have a clue as to what we are doing. This
has been a challenge, but it has also inspired me to make sure that I
always do my homework so that I am not the person holding back the
group and making everyone else's job much harder. I am always proud
to get a 5 on a piece of work or when I am able to be a contributing
factor in discussions or activities.
I was a little disappointed to receive an interim saying that I was
averaging a "B" and that my effort and participation were only "OK."
I almost always spend a lot of time on journals and writing samples
and try new things and challenge myself; even though my pieces do not
always come out well, I think I should get credit for trying and
challenging myself. Also, I try to contribute my ideas and feelings
to discussions whenever I can; often times it takes me a while to
think about what I am going to say and by then the topic has already
moved on. When I am not contributing to the discussions, I am always
taking notes. Looking ahead to the next quarter, I will really focus
on adding more breadth and depth to my pieces in hopes that my effort
will become more apparent.