Group Response I:
Both pieces of writing are questioning the creation of the animal in the piece. The horse and the tiger are both described as really powerful animals and they both have rage/fire in them. The images of both animals are really clear because the descriptions are really strong. Both the creator and John Grady Cole have power and they both dare to use it.
Group Response II:
John Grady assumes the role of commander over the horse. By breaking the horse, he breaks its communion with the other horses, unleashing a wild ardent-hearted beast; just as God created the dreadful tiger. Both authors emphasize the severity of the creator's creations, and how what they have created has an element of power and control.
Group Response III:
In both pieces living creatures are described in great detail. In both the question is asked of who created such great creatures. Both are depicted as imposing and powerful. Both references of "who?" refer to God and seem to question his morality. The body parts symbolize the intricacies of life. By the end of both the question is answered that the creator is the creature.